Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your Business Logistics

freight people image truck

Few businesses can reliably take care of all of their business matters themselves. Just as in society we all need each other at some point to live our lives the way we do, businesses depend on the expert knowledge of others so they can operate the way they do. From taxes to the cleaning crew that polishes the floors, outsourcing lets businesses spend more time doing what they do best and less time performing tasks they don’t specialise in.

Deferring tasks or entire operations to outside companies has its pros and its cons. Here are some to consider when deciding whether to outsource your business logistics or not:

Pros of Outsourcing

  • Freight brokers and logistics experts deliver products and goods safely from point A to point B on a daily basis, so you are much better off allowing them to handle your product than to organise it yourself if you run a small or medium-sized enterprise. Large corporations often have well-integrated logistics networks and tight supply chains, so they’ll often handle many of these operations themselves.

  • You can lower your operating costs significantly by allowing qualified freight companies to get the job done right. Not only do they have the vehicles, technology, and industry experience to help reduce costs, but they will also provide reliable shipments that keep your customers happy and therefore your sales and customer loyalty can remain high as a result.

  • Forward-thinking freight companies have real-time data and can use technology to better optimise modes of transport and delivery frequency according to the needs of their customers. By building a strong relationship with clients, logistics providers can tighten supply chains and reduce the ‘bullwhip effect’.

Cons of Outsourcing

  • You’re not in full control of your deliveries. If something happens, such as a roadside collision or inclement weather, the freight may arrive late, damaged, or not at all. Luckily, freight insurance is an affordable option for clients wishing to recoup some of the costs if such a situation occurs.

  • Some freight companies are more reliable than others. You’ll have to do a little work to find a reputable logistics provider that understands your needs and is willing to work with you on terms that are reasonable for both of you. Finding a good freight broker is critical, so do spend time evaluating your options before choosing one.

What’s the Verdict?

Many large corporations already have their own in-house procurement and supply chain teams as well as fleets of trucks and delivery vehicles. For SMEs looking to maximise the time spent on producing quality goods and services and to minimise the hassle that often comes with providing reliable deliveries to customers downstream, having the right freight broker can make all the difference. Although there are risks to outsourcing your logistics operation, they’re often far outweighed by the benefits they can provide to your business.

Freightbroker Australia

When your business is looking for a new freight broker with which you can build a lasting relationship, consider going with Freightbroker Australia. Freight management is an important aspect of any business that needs to connect products with customers, so ensure that you choose a reputable company like Freightbroker Australia to keep your deliveries on time and keeping customers happy.